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Kris Mainellis

Thank you, Lou Walton

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

FamilyForward co-founder Lou Walton has retired from the board of directors, leaving a legacy of service and growth in an organization dear to her heart.

Lou Walton, retiring FamilyForward board member

Lou Walton has been a force for good within — and through — FamilyForward (FF) since its beginning in 2003. As one of the founders (and an original and ongoing board member) of this organization originally known as Faith Community Homes, Walton has played an important part in the development and growth of our work to equip and empower low-income, working families. As Lou retires from her leadership role, we thank her for her service and significant efforts to guide the vision and impact of FamilyForward in the community.

Walton has served on a variety of committees and projects as a board member and leader at FamilyForward. She particularly enjoyed recruiting and working with some of the first mentors. “This was a new program [in 2003], and they jumped in with such enthusiasm.” Lou is still delighted when members of the community step up. “When our friends and neighbors are aware of the needs of families close to home, they always want to help!”


Importance of spreading the word

Walton also feels fortunate and thankful to have partnered with “all the amazing and dedicated board members and staff,” and to have seen the organization grow to assist families in several communities. Lou has witnessed, and helped foster, increasing community awareness of FamilyForward. She is proud of the support gained from individuals, community groups, corporations, faith organizations and government entities.

Walton asserts that raising awareness — among individuals and organizations — of the real needs within local northwest suburban neighborhoods has been key to making a difference in the greater community. Indeed, Lou has done a lot to raise community awareness and funds, including making significant financial contributions with her husband, Dwight, and their extended family. We are extremely grateful to the Walton family for their ongoing support over the years.

Keeping the focus on the mission

Walton believes the greatest ways FamilyForward improves people’s lives are “by giving families the backing and confidence to strive for a better life.” And moving forward, she points to the need for FamilyForward to stay focused on its purpose. “Our first and only mission is to serve families who are struggling and help raise them up to become self-supporting and confident members of our communities.” Lou’s advice for the future? “Carry on!”

We are deeply grateful to Lou for her steadfast commitment to serving as a guiding hand, focused on building a successful future for FamilyForward and its mission to strengthen low-income, working families. And, we are happy to announce that Lou has joined us as a Board Member Emerita. Thank you, Lou, for your vision, dedication and commitment to FamilyForward.


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