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FamilyForward Blog

Sarah Harte
Nov 11, 20242 min read
Adapting and rebuilding after a devastating loss
Mom J's story is an inspirational testimony of how FamilyForward helped her adapt to changes and rebuild her life after a family tragedy.

Sarah Harte
Jul 29, 20242 min read
Finding help and a sense of hope
With help from her FamilyForward mentors, Mom T achieved several successes. But the greatest success of all was a sense of hope.

Sarah Harte
Apr 30, 20242 min read
Developing a toolkit to survive — and thrive
With a household budget and other strategies, “Stephanie” felt more in control of her money and had a toolkit to survive—and thrive.

Sarah Harte
Jan 29, 20242 min read
Finding the financial breathing room to heal and grow
For “Ellie” — and for many FamilyForward participants — the benefits of our program were more than just financial.

Sarah Harte
Oct 25, 20231 min read
Renewed hope powers forward momentum
Mom L's story is a deeply moving and inspirational testimony of how her volunteer mentors gave her renewed hope and forward momentum.

Sarah Harte
Aug 18, 20232 min read
Moving from a job toward a career encourages growth and stability
Finding a career path and developing stronger finances helped “Maddie” maintain confidence and family stability, especially in trying times.

Sarah Harte
Apr 20, 20233 min read
A realistic budget helps single mom catch up with expenses
“Valerie’s” mentors helped her create a realistic budget so she could see how much she could actually afford to spend.

Sarah Harte
Feb 24, 20231 min read
Continuing to grow — long after the program ends
Mom W’s experience reminds us that change happens slowly. Many of the fruits of the FamilyForward program are not reaped until years later.

Tim Wayman
Feb 24, 20232 min read
An unexpected gift from mentoring
Becoming mentors opened the door to the wonderful gift of an ongoing relationship between two families.

Sarah Harte
Jan 24, 20231 min read
Breaking daily spending habit saves money and time
“Lynn” is learning how to conserve her money and her time, both of which will benefit her children in the long run.

Sarah Harte
Oct 17, 20221 min read
Being seen as a whole person
Mom J was able to rise above serious challenges and make significant progress toward a better life.

Sarah Harte
Jul 13, 20221 min read
Daughter thrives in school thanks to stable housing
It’s back-to-school time! This family’s story demonstrates the importance of stable housing for children to learn and thrive in school.

Sarah Harte
Mar 29, 20223 min read
Gaining the confidence to succeed
Being held "accountable for your own independence" was key for "Tina" to gain the confidence she needed to plan for a better future.

Sarah Harte
Feb 22, 20222 min read
Household budget paves way for debt reduction
FamilyForward helped Vicky achieve financial stability, and that stability benefited the entire family unit.

Sarah Harte
Jan 30, 20222 min read
Two-year program leads to long-term impact
Meg’s story is an example of the positive, long-term impact that FamilyForward can make in a family’s life.

FamilyForward Staff
Nov 11, 20214 min read
FAMILY INTERVIEW: Safety net helps single mom move forward
In this inspirational interview, "M" shares how she overcame challenges she was facing as a single parent with a low income.

Sarah Harte
Sep 7, 20212 min read
Safer apartment, rent support provide firm foundation
With Faith Community Homes in her corner, "Kelly” found a safer place to live and the financial fortification she urgently needed to...

Sarah Harte
Jul 25, 20213 min read
Single mom moves forward with a place of her own
For single mom "Ellen," getting into her own apartment with her child was the first step toward moving forward and digging out of debt.

Sarah Harte
Jun 21, 20212 min read
JOY STORIES: Fall and winter 2020
Read these stories of progress and hope from three families who completed the Faith Community Homes program at the end of 2020.

Sarah Harte
Apr 21, 20212 min read
Single mom succeeds by setting goals
Weekly meetings with her volunteer mentors helped "Lori" identify the steps she needed to take to meet her short-term and long-term goals.
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