We are grateful to these local partner churches for helping to make the 2024 holidays special for the families in the FamilyForward program.

Making a difference through 2024 holiday support
During Advent, St. Raymond Parish in Mt. Prospect collected paper goods and cleaning supplies for the families in FamilyForward.
Again this year, the Women of St. James at St. James Parish in Arlington Heights adopted families of FamilyForward at the holidays, providing small gifts and many gift cards. With these gift cards, parents were able to purchase the toys, books or clothing most appropriate for their children.
The Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights donated Aldi gift cards. And the church’s PDO & Preschool donated “The Gift of Warmth” (sweatshirts, hats, gloves and slippers for every family).
The St. Edna Parish, Arlington Heights, and especially the volunteers from The Giving Tree Ministry, donated gift cards to the families of FamilyForward.
The Women of Wayside, of Our Lady of the Wayside Parish, Arlington Heights, donated gift cards.
Parishioners at both St. Edna Parish and Our Lady of the Wayside Parish donated turkey dinners for Thanksgiving.
FamilyForward is fortunate to work with these churches and other faith groups and organizations in our local communities. We are truly grateful for the 2024 holiday support and the many other ways our church partners empower our mission to help low-income, working families in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.
If your faith organization would like to join this work, please contact us at info@family-forward.org. Learn more about FamilyForward at family-forward.org.