Thanks to the generosity of many groups and individuals, every family in the Faith Community Homes program received several gift cards in December 2020.

Thanks to the generosity of many groups and individuals, every family in Faith Community Homes received several gift cards in December. These gift cards allowed parents to buy holiday gifts for their children and to put their income toward regular bills and savings instead of shopping. Each family also received additional gift cards for groceries, gas, Walmart and Target that they can use to offset household expenses in the coming months.
Making the season brighter
Faith Community Homes was also able to help families with other seasonal needs. Several members of the FCH Board of Directors donated jackets and boots for the children of a family who have a parent on medical leave from work.
We appreciate those who made the holidays a little brighter through gifts of food. Our staff distributed donated turkeys, ham and other food to help families with their holiday meal, thanks to wonderful community partners.
Here are two examples:
Palatine Jewel-Osco (on Plum Grove Road) provided Christmas meals for ten FCH families, thanks to holiday-meal fundraising efforts coordinated by Store Director Steve Colello.
In addition, we are grateful to the Kiwanis Club of Arlington Heights. Under the leadership of Chuck Warner, club president, the organization provided five meals to FCH families for Christmas.
We also received donations of paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies and other household goods that are a necessity for busy parents. These donations came from a number of individuals, church groups and community organizations.
December is a time when people of limited means can feel even more financial and emotional stress. With gift cards and in-kind donations, our donors relieved some of the financial stress on these families while, just as importantly, sending them a message of support and encouragement. We are grateful.