Read these brief stories of progress and hope from three families in the FamilyForward program as of early 2023.
Mom moves forward by reaching nursing goal
While working full time, Mom M completed a Certified Nursing Assistant training program and earned her CNA certification in May 2023. This certification means she will receive an automatic raise at her current job. She is working with her volunteer mentors to identify additional employment opportunities while she continues with nursing classes. Congratulations, Mom M!
Hard work leads to recognition, more pay
Mom L, a single parent of three children, recently had a performance evaluation following her first year of work at her office job in a manufacturing company. Her supervisor told her: “Whatever work we give you, you can handle it.” As affirmation of her value to the company, Mom L was given a $5/hour raise and a bonus check. Congratulations, Mom L!
Good things happen often when least expected
Mom E graduated from the FamilyForward program last year. Last month she texted her volunteer mentors to share some job news. An employer she had applied to while in our program (and never heard back from) recently called her. They had held onto her resume all this time and a new position recently came open in their office. Mom E went for an interview, and she got the job! Life is all about timing. Although we never know exactly when it may happen, it’s exciting to see the seeds planted during FamilyForward’s two-year program take root and blossom.
These stories illustrate some of the many ways the FamilyForward program challenges, encourages and supports parents as they seek to improve their circumstances and create stable households for their families.