Read these brief stories of progress and hope from three families in the FamilyForward program as of late 2024.

Taking control of spending to stop living paycheck to paycheck
Mom L, a single parent who has lived paycheck to paycheck her entire life, recently told her volunteer mentors, “I have never looked at my bank statements before. I always thought it was ancient history!” Her mentors have shown her how to use her bank statements as a tool to identify spending patterns and set goals for future spending. Mom L admits she has become more conscious of her spending in the moment because she knows she will see the transaction when she looks at her bank statement in a few weeks. She told her mentors, “You guys have me thinking!”
Rent assistance comes through in health crisis
Mom Y needed surgery for complications from a chronic health problem. She needed to be off work for two weeks to recover, but she had no more paid time off. FamilyForward paid a higher portion of her rent that month because she missed an entire paycheck. Without FamilyForward, Mom Y, who is a single parent, would have fallen behind on rent and possibly been at risk for losing the apartment.
Actively managing finances pays off
Mom A graduated from the FamilyForward two-year program in August 2024. During her time as a participant, she paid off more than $12,000 in debt. She reported to her volunteer mentors that she now has a better handle on her finances than she did when she entered the program, and she feels like her head is above water for the first time in a long time.
These stories illustrate some of the many ways FamilyForward tangibly impacts the lives of families who are struggling to move past living paycheck to paycheck toward achieving self-sufficiency. With help from volunteer mentors and professional staff, parents participating in our program grow in confidence and practical skills and feel empowered to actively make progress as they work to improve their lives in practical, personal and professional ways.