Read these brief stories of progress and hope from three families in the FamilyForward program as of early 2022.
Finding hope again
Reflecting on her two years in the FamilyForward program, Mom J wrote: “Sometimes the problems in your life can knock out all your confidence and make you feel low. Back then, I just couldn’t make ends meet. This program has been a complete life-changer for me and my children. Thank you for helping me get some hope back. I am grateful for the moral support and financial support. I don’t know where we would be without you.”
Achieving stability
During her two years with FamilyForward, Mom P paid off all her credit cards, got a higher paying job, and took two classes toward her degree. Have these two years been smooth sailing? No. There were health problems, childcare issues, concerns with her elderly parent, and ongoing challenges at work. Did Mom P give up? No. Despite everything life threw at her, Mom P continued to meet with her mentors and work toward her financial and personal goals. Is her journey over? No. Her journey is only beginning. But now, thanks to FamilyForward, she is out of crisis. Mom P has a stable financial and emotional foundation to address her next chapter of life.
Restoring self-confidence
After completing two years in our program, “Jodi” was asked, “What do you see as your most important accomplishments during your time with FamilyForward?” It was noteworthy that in her written response she did not include anything about her two specific practical achievements — increasing her credit score by 100 points and growing her income by $1,100 per month. What she recorded instead, was: “Being proud of myself again. Feeling self-confident. Meeting good, helpful people who care for us. Getting my money in order so I can pay my own rent and expenses.”
These stories illustrate some of the many ways FamilyForward tangibly impacts the lives of families who are struggling to achieve self-sufficiency. Thanks to our program, with our staff and volunteer mentors, families are growing and changing their lives for the better in practical, personal and professional ways.